Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Who Killed Change by Ken Blanchard - Book Review

Agent McNally is the detective who investigates the death of Change in an organization ACME. In the course of finding out the killers, he interviews Peter Performance Management, Bailey Budget, Victoria Vision, Aidan Accountability, Clair Communication, Terry the Trainer and many other suspects.

MCNally finds out that Clair Communication has laryngitis and so cannot speak often. She also does not wear her hearing aid and so does not listen well. Victoria Vision wears rose-colored glasses and has a rosy view of things to come. One another person has a hefty upper body but skinny lower limbs. McNally compares such physical inequities with management messes. The upper body is similar to broad strategies and the skinny limbs are similar to the weak tactics that are not followed up or accounted for!

A SuperCop employee is one who opposes any change with a tag line, "We never ever did it that way."  Reprimand is always ready to find faults and point out mistakes of others. A Hypocrite will always say, "We will do it" and continue his/her own plan. 

The book is a simple read and does not offer any exotic or out of the world ideas. However, the idea of choosing people as characters of management functions and comparing their behaviour and physical attributes to management activities is interesting. The book can be a non-detail book for management graduates.


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