Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sun Tzu's Art Of War Strategies - For Business, Life, and Games Too!

Sun Tzu was a smart military commander who lived in China in 500 B.C. He lived in a small state named Wu and a mighty state Cu on its West was planning to wage war on Wu. So, the king of Wu requested Sun Tzu to train his people for war. And so the war bible named "Art Of War" comprising 13 chapters of war tactics and deceptions was born.

Many countries approach war as a game of chess. As in Chess, they employ lot or all the soldiers and march to slay the king. But Sun Tzus' art of war was based on the game Go. In the game of Go, minimum coins or players are used and the idea is to capture maximum territory rather than slaying people! Tzu claims that war is one of the tactics to achieve a political strategy and is not the end!

Few of Sun Tzu's Tactics:

Keep your plans as dark as night - Everyone can see the sun and moon, everyone can hear a thunderstorm, and anyone can feel the rain falling on his skin. This is commonplace wisdom. However, keep few secrets about you and your plans that only YOU know!

Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious even to the point of  noiselessness. Thereby, you can be the director of the opponents fate.

In battle, use a direct attack to engage, and an indirect attack to win - At first you are like a maiden, so the enemy opens his door; then you are like a rabbit on the loose, so the enemy cannot keep you out.

Make your enemy prepare on his right and he will be weak on his left - Seeing what others do not see is called brilliance, knowing what others do not know is called genius.

Those who are quick to anger can be shamed ~ so do not be short-tempered; those who are puritanical can be disgraced ~ so do not be self-righteous; those who love people can be troubled ~ so behave like water drops on a lotus leaf!

History Channel has a series on the Art of War and explains how Vietnam won its war against America by using Tzu's strategies. Here are links to all the ten videos on Sun Tzu's Art Of War.

Art of War - Part 2

Art of War - Part 3

Art Of War - Part 4

Art Of War - Part 5

Art of War - Part 6

Art of War - Part 7

Art of War - Part 8

Art of War - Part 9

Art of War - Part 10

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